Most profitable Blog Niches That Make The Most Money (2021)
Most profitable Blog Niches That Make The Most Money (2021)
we're gonna be speaking on a step by step process that I used to choose a niche we're going to be covering 5 steps starting with brainstorming ideas next we're going to be specific and narrow down the idea then we'll be talking about ways that you can determine whether there's a market for your idea after that we'll be making sure that your niche solves the problem and lastly we're gonna talk about testing your niche in a live market
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most profitable blog niches 2021 |
What is niche and why it's important:
let's talk about what a niche actually is and why it's important to put it plainly choosing a niche is just categorizing yourself or your business people want to put you in your business into a box and categorize it like a finance site or portfolio site or whatever category you might fall under so just learn to accept it and categorize your content to one thing the definition states that a niche it's just a specialized segment of a larger market with a particular kind of product or service for instance the larger market that I'm talking about could be something very broad like fitness, food,reading, clothing, whatever you might want to be underneath these broad categories you can come up with a niche for a smaller sub category so under fitness you could try something like weight loss for women after pregnancy or booking plans for skinny guys under clothing you can do something along the lines of comfortable clothing for daily life or weatherproof jackets for hiking in extreme conditions you get the idea it's basically choosing something specific from a broad topic and essentially categorizing you or your business
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Brainstorming about niche :
firstly you don't need to brainstorm your specific clientele because often when you're new to a market you don't know if your client is going to be instead you want to think about what you're knowledgeable in and what the demand is for what you're providing in order to do this you need to sit down and put together all of the ideas that you have look at it and see what you're good at see what you want to talk about and see what you can come up with conducting a brainstorm is easy you start with a giant list of everything that you can think of and then you narrow those ideas down to start put all of your niche ideas down on a piece of paper so for instance you might be thinking about fitness, food or clothing underneath each of these different ideas or categories you want to put down all the different sub categories or sub points that you can associate with them you're essentially doing a content dump of everything that you can think of underneath each different category that you already have so under fitness you might think of crossfit , workouts or any other kind of work out that you can think about, under clothing you might think of different seasons were different brands as you continue to dump these ideas down on paper you'll begin to notice that some of these categories you can think much easier of sub categories rather than others for fitness you might be dropping tons and tons of ideas and then for food and clothing you might be struggling to come up with a lot of different topics this is important because you might be passionate about all of your initial ideas but passion simply isn't enough when it comes to a niche you need to be knowledgeable consistent and passionate but most importantly knowledgeable inconsistent ending this you choose you're going to have competition so the reason I say that she's a category that you're knowledgeable in and it's easy to come up with ideas with is that you're going to be met with other people who offers the same material so you must provide it in a better way while you're sifting through your ideas in the middle of the storm ask yourself what are you good at or what do you like try asking yourself what do you like talking about and can you talk about it forever is there enough material that you can be consistent with your content I do want to make something clear there's a difference between being passionate and being able to tolerate something maybe you don't enjoy nature as much per se as another but it's something that you're naturally gifted in and knowledgeable in obviously finding something that you love and that you're naturally good at and knowledgeable in is ideal just know that there are some exceptions to this.if you're willing to tolerate talking about that thing for the next foreseeable future you might have a profitable niche although you might not be as passionate about the niche idea as others you can find passion in helping your audience solve the problem and using the best product that they can't finding passion in helping people the best way possible is another way that it can work
what am I doing this for ?
what type of person needs it?
and what problem we're solving for?
example I create websites here create a pro website who do I do this for beginners and what type of beginner do I do it for well beginners who have no previous experience for classes and then what kind of problem my solving?
well I'm saving people money from hiring web designers and I'm also empowering people to build their own websites let's use a broader example let's say that you want to build a niche in something like fitness
so who are using fitness for college students let's just say okay so what type of students need you maybe it's students who don't have the resources to go to a gym or you know students who might be in the middle of pandemic and can't come so what problem are you solving for them you might be teaching them how to use things around their homes that they can use without needing gym equipment to still get a workout in and just like that you've got your niche now your fitness trainer who struts called students on how to do home workouts it's that simple
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most profitable blog niches 2021 |
How to figure out if there is market for your niche:
figure out if there's a market for your idea and then analyze that market this is a really important step after coming up with a narrow down is that you want to try it's important to take this next step it's to do research into the market for your idea if for instance you have a $200000000 market it be really easy to pull up $100000 this is pulling the same $100000 from a $1000000 market so checking to make sure that there's profitability in your niche is also next check box that you wanna make sure you can cross off one thing that you can try is to type in your search for the industry that you're trying to get into and do a little bit of digging to see if you can. Find out what you're looking for you can also look for publicly traded companies and review the revenues and see how big the market actually is after you've done a little bit of digging and found that there is a market for your niche you might be able to refine your niche even better now that you have an understanding of the industry and what problems people in the industry are looking to solve so the solution is 2 fold. remember when choosing a niche it's about solving a problem but at the same time you need to solve it in a unique way. if you're not unique then you're going to blend in with all of the other competitors that you have in your niche who've already been in the market for a lot longer than you have another thing that I want to point out is that it's okay to have competition in your niche this means that there is actually in fact a large market for your niche because there's obviously other people offering services and making successful businesses from them all right so after checking if there's a market for your idea taking account monetization if your business or website is very popular in the future and begins to gain traction how are we going to monetize it later on down the road what affiliate products or ads would pair well with your niche you can search affiliate marketing websites like for example for products that are related to your niche now is a website that provides digital products only so you can also check out Amazon's affiliate program where you can sell Amazon products for a commission this way you don't have to physically handle any product yourself and you can also make a passive income online. if they're a bunch of products that are related to your idea then you obviously have a plentiful niche you can also try looking at competitors and analyzing them in your niche analyzing the direct and indirect competition is incredibly helpful analyze what they're providing and how they do it pay attention to the audience and see what their audience is telling them learn from it you can definitely learn valuable information from your competitors because if they're successful then you can be too one last thing that you can do is to look at social media for hashtags that are prominent in your industry or niche this will give you directional data as to what your target market is looking up
How to test your niche?
final step in creating your niche is to test what you have so far and a peek into the metrics that come from it you've already hopefully done extensive research into the industry that you're seriously considering so actually getting some hands on experience and testing your niche in a real market can show you a lot one way that you can go about testing your niche is to create a single page website or landing page and offer some sort of free information book or pamphlet or something that might entice people in your target market to look at what you're offering for example, using the college student niche idea that I had earlier you can create a quick landing page that is professional and intriguing and then offer some sort of single free workout plan for one day to get a taste of what you're about for home workouts after creating a landing page you can drive traffic to that page by using services like Google ads and pay attention to the metrics and traffic that come in this will show you the amount of interest in your service.
one more tactic that you could employ would be to distribute surveys that or about your niche and pay attention to what your target market responds with you can publicize your survey in guest posts or industry related groups or forums on social media or using Google service you can pay Google to promote it for you the last thing that I want to talk to you guys about it's more of a future step we're a year maybe 2 or 3 years in the future right now you now have your own niche and you've created a website and a business around you gained quite a large following and you're gaining traction in the industry becoming a big name among your competitors it's important to understand this which type of traffic coming on your niche
Is it coming from college students or
it's coming from stay at home moms looking for a healthier lifestyle you can then morph your niche and change the direction of your content to be centered around stay at home moms because they seem to be your strong majority so be sure to listen to your audience because they're going to tell you what they want